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simple ocr plugin
simple OCR plugin #
A compact OCR plugin for flutter apps. Available for both iOS and Android. Backed by Google's ML-Kit library.
usage #
The following code snippet is all you need to perform OCR on an image / photo:
try {
String _resultString = await SimpleOcrPlugin.performOCR(_pickedImageFile.path);
print("OCR results => $_resultString");
} catch(e) {
print("exception on OCR operation: ${e.toString()}");
copied to clipboard
gotchas #
low quality results #
In case low quality results were recognized; try to optimize the original photo in a couple of ways:
resize the photo - if the source photo is too large, nothing senseful would be recognized, hence resize it to a smaller photo would be a trick.
grayscaling the photo - there are cases when the image is very colorful and makes the recognition much more difficult, try grayscaling it.
PS. For more information on image guidelines, please refer to https://developers.google.com/ml-kit/vision/text-recognition/android#input-image-guidelines
running on Android #
For the first time running the plugin, the corresponding Machine Learning models would be downloaded from Google Play Services. Hence make sure:
the target phone should have Google Play Services app installed (which should be there by default).
have enough storage space for the ML models - roughly a few 10Mbs.
reachable to the internet for the downloads.
PS. Since download would take some time, corresponding UI screens should be shown to inform the users to wait for a reasonable moment.
ML-Kit version #
The ML-Kit version involved is 0.63.0.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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