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infiraylrf 1.0.1
Command sender for the InfiRay LR2000 / LR3000 Long Range Finder
pip install infiray-lrf
Run console
# enter infiray-inf UART console
python -m infiray-lrf
Commands list
# commands list:
q - quit
h - help
i - self inspection
s - single ranging
cf <int:frequency> <int:timeout>
- continious ranging (frequency 1~10Hz, timout - seconds)
C - nonstop continious ranging
b - stop ranging
freq <int:frequency>
- set continious ranging frequency (1~10Hz)
glg - query minimum gating distance
ghg - query maximum gating distance
slg <int:distance>
- set minimum gating distance (10-20000m)
shg <int:distance>
- set maximum gating distance (10-20000m)
fpga - query FPGA software version number
mcu - query MCU software version number
hw - query hardware version number
sn - query SN number
total - count of times of light resput
count - count of times of light resput since LRF power up
setbaudrate <int:baudrate>
- set baudrate value (115200 / 57600 / 9600)
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