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googlefontsmarkup 0.4.0
This is alpha library
This is small utility to handle specs of Google Fonts in my products.
Simple case
>>> from googlefonts_markup import Font
>>> noto_sans_jp = Font(family_name="Noto Sans JP")
>>> noto_sans_jp.css_url()
>>> noto_sans_jp.css_tag()
'<link href="" rel="stylesheet">'
If you want only URL of CSS, use googlefonts_markup.shortcuts.
>>> from googlefonts_markup.shortcuts import font_css_url
>>> font_css_url("Noto Sans JP")
With italic
>>> from googlefonts_markup import Axis, Font
>>> red_hat_mono = Font(family_name="Red Hat Mono", axis_list=[Axis(italic=True)])
>>> red_hat_mono.css_url()
Extra attributes
>>> from googlefonts_markup import Font, FontSet
>>> noto_sans_jp = Font(family_name="Noto Sans JP")
>>> fontset = FontSet(fonts=[noto_sans_jp], display="swap")
>>> fontset.css_url()
Multiple fonts
>>> from googlefonts_markup import Font, FontSet
>>> noto_sans_jp = Font(family_name="Noto Sans JP")
>>> roboto_mono = Font(family_name="Roboto Mono")
>>> fontset = FontSet(fonts=[noto_sans_jp, roboto_mono], display="swap")
>>> fontset.css_url()
Defering on HTML
>>> from googlefonts_markup import Font, FontSet
>>> font = Font(family_name="Noto Sans JP")
>>> font.css_tag(defer=True)
'<link href="" rel="preload" as="style" onload="this.onload=null;this.rel=\'stylesheet\'">'
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