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easy nav
EasyNav #
pub package](https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/easy_nav)
Just a simple wrapper around flutter navigator, dialogs and snackbar to do those things without context.
Don't forget to do add the navigator key:
Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
return MaterialApp(
navigatorKey: EasyNav.navigatorKey,
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Navigation #
Initialize NavManager in your viewmodel or pass it via constructor.
class HomeViewModel extends ChangeNotifier{
final navManager = NavManager();
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And navigate from there
// Naviagte to widgets
navManager.goToAndRemoveUntil(HomePage(), (route) => false);
// Named Routes
navManager.goToNamedAndRemoveUntil("/homepage", ((route) => false));
// Full Screen Dialogs
navManager.goTo(AddContactPage(), fullScreenDialog: true);
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Dialogs #
Initialize DialogManager in your viewmodel or pass it via constructor.
class HomeViewModel extends ChangeNotifier{
final dialogManager = DialogManager();
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Show dialogs from viewModel
dialogManager.showEasyDialog(builder: (context){
return YourWidget();
dialogManager.showEasyDatePicker(initialDate: DateTime.now(),
firstDate: DateTime.now().subtract(const Duration(hours: 24 * 365)),
lastDate: DateTime.now().subtract(const Duration(hours: 24 * 365)),
dialogManager.showEasyGeneralDialog(pageBuilder: ((context, animation, secondaryAnimation) {
return YourWidget();
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Bottom Sheets #
Initialize BottomSheetManager in your viewmodel or pass it via constructor.
class HomeViewModel extends ChangeNotifier{
final bottomSheetManager = BottomSheetManager();
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Show Bottom Sheets from viewModel
bottomSheetManager.showEasyBottomSheet(builder: (context){
return YourWidget();
bottomSheetManager.showEasyModalBottomSheet(builder: (context){
return YourWidget();
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Snackbars #
Initialize SnackBarManager in your viewmodel or pass it via constructor.
class HomeViewModel extends ChangeNotifier{
final snackBarManager = SnackBarManager();
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Show Snackbars from viewModel
snackBarManager.showEasySnackbar(const SnackBar(content: Text("Item Deleted")));
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