Package to debug everything in PHP
Simple searching of all the Eloquent models in your project
Composer assets cache plugin
Calculate geodistance between two points, latitude and longitude
Zend Session storage adapter for Golem Auth
Codeigniter framework 3.10 implementation with GroceryCrub 1.5.7 library
A Module Generator for Laravel
A symfony bundle to allow simple AOP logging with the Monolog library
Gii CRUD template for Single Page Ajax Administration for yii2
php send email package
Okul dersi projesi
SallyCMS SEO-Addon
百度地图 SDK.
The Kaiser framework for PHP
debugging and modeling tool for PHP
helper for loading toml.
Gpio library implementing Carica Io Devices
Modular product for integrating into projects
Make html snapshot for search engines
Aramex API client
Database abstraction component based on PDO with prepared statements.
Qlurk is a simple to use Plurk library
SymfonyInsight SDK
topology library for php fann
merge files into one
Naked Object framework build on top of Symfony2
Yii2 turbosms
The OpxCore config environment interface.
Mailer adapter for the Symphony Mailer library with queuing capabilities.
Yii Web Programming Framework Application initializing library.
Contao 4 - IIDO Core Bundle
Simple PHP framework and helper classes for web projects
2Spark Repository Monitor Bundle
small tools
Lint is a wrapper to `PHP -l` command.
A opinionated Wordpress base theme based on Sage
Reseller library
Export from database designer and import to your database
An extended Bootstrap table with radio, checkbox, sort, pagination and other features.
Generator Scaffolding for Laravel
Light-weight role-based permissions for Laravel 5 built in Auth system.
Autogenerated PHP client for the Vericred API
HTTP REST client, simplified for PHP
Minin is a simple
Adds an other-gender option to OXID eShop.
User module for VitesseCms
Detect used and unused Symfony routes
The data format validation.
oauth2 server package for thinkphp5
Another PHP Coding Standard for PHP_CodeSniffer
Base extensions and components.
File management bundle based on our file-storage for Nette Framework.
An extension for SilverStripe for an easy installation of a CookieYes consent banner.
Utility to manage multiple git deploy keys
This module adds a back to top navigation when scrolling down the page
Edition guard REST api implementation.
基于 event 扩展的事件反应器
基于 pcntl 扩展的事件反应器
Management Yii2 Components
Fork from the official PHP library used for interacting with the BunnyCDN Storage API.
eArc - the explicit architecture framework - data elasticsearch component
aliyun oss filesystem storage for laravel 5-8
LumberJack - Logging laravel plugin for site usage the easy way.
time zone
Simple View Presenter for Laravel.
Laravel Nova Markdown extension to allow clipboard pasting of images.
i18n tools for SilverStripe
KNP Menu Bundle integrations with Superdesk Publisher.
MODIFIED - API client library for the Mandrill email as a service platform
A user password recovery bundle for Symfony3
Websolute Transporter Magento Product module
A DreamFactory service for controlling Belkin Wemo devices
The Andremyid Testimonials package.
A library of commonly used classes and utilities.
CoreUI UiKit
Google App Engine & Local SDK Support for Laravel 5.1 apps.
Flexible state machine library that perfectly works with Laravels Eloquent models.
AixueLog,just log something
Every PHP function and method is a Textpattern CMS template tag
PHP Secure Communications Library - Pure-PHP implementations of RSA, AES, SSH2, SFTP, X.509 etc.
Allows DB structure listing (with types)
Reviewable Polymorphic Eloquent Models for Laravel 5
Model Presenters for Laravel
Miaoxing Build Plugin
Chinese (China) locale for a Ride application.
Guzzle Client with a mutable config
fast-php-server framework core
WebPrint Local Host Service
LanguageSwitcher plugin for CakePHP
Notadd's Content Module.
Parse a text string to minutes in integer
Library for automated REST API testing using fixtures
Component for array validation
Just another comment system for your awesome Laravel project.
Class enhances developing Arabic web applications by providing set of methods to process and present Arabic text
Livewire Charts
A super basic library to generate markup code
A plugin for shortcode doppelgangery.
Architect Application Framework v2
Laravel Shoppingcart
Demo content, tests and more for comodojo/dispatcher.framework
Templating engines collection.
Классы для удобного доступа к данным в 1C-Bitrix
Data URI Parser
Simple HTML table builder for laravel 5
Compliments your sys-admins, in an effort to strengthen the developer-administrator bond.
Provides a simple abstraction to extract values, and sets of values, into an array.
yunxin sdk for php
Agile Toolkit with Microsoft Teams
Adcell tracking integration for oxid eshop